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How do I get the game to open and work on Android


I honestly wish there was a story after creating your character and making all your choices

The boons seem bugged.
I am sitting at 1 boon point, but everytime I try to make a new boon, it takes off my old boon instead of letting me use it.

Current Activated Choices ID's:


 I'll just say, I feel like a winner. I made myself basically a perfect body, but got punished for being too boring by hating said body. But then I picked the being another me option with whom I could exchange minds, making the punishment useless. I felt smart, haha.


I am someone who played the game when it first released and really enjoyed it, I was personally at the start of a long and arguably still ongoing journey of self discovery and was able to turn off as I clicked through the funny images, again this was the original game and I later on checked an update where the gimmick had kind of lost its shine to me and I copied the walk through without really going through it the way that it is strictly intended, as a thought exercise style thing.

I say all of this as I need to establish that I do truly enjoy this game and do like the look of the other game being developed by Voytsik, I just wanted to present my updated thoughts on this game which I do hope will expand (perhaps including the DLC?) even if this review will be a bit more negative than that sentiment may suggest.

This is going to be a bit longer than I'd care to admit.

I played the original CYOA (or at least its most recent version) just before I went into this game again and frankly I enjoyed both. I personally noticed for the game is that it has a slight flaw in calculation (that could just be me but thats beside the point) and as I made my little character, nothing too "tomboyish", hell I'd say the character I was making was fairly generically femme I found myself nodding along with the decisions I was making, wondering what achievements the game would give me so far for the care I put into making a character that intuitively could be developed only to see one gained title which ultimately led to me being forced to pick a bad option for memories despite me otherwise knocking the points total out of the park which drew me out of the experience, especially with how this compares to the past section for the CYOA which gives a full set of choices for it, it feels unnecessarily derailed for the sake of the titles system. that being said, I think The titles system is good as an idea, it just needs work to fix these things, whether it be giving a set in stone clear warning that failing to get the titles will do an effective bad end or changing code around to make it easier to get them is a necessity.

On top of this issue, starting with the mind section we begin to see a divergence from the CYOA, Media Blackout Extra is the most prominent and Motherhood is completely revamped, re-balancing has been attempted and seems to fall flat or (I would suggest more likely) balancing with the CYOA hasn't been kept up with, this in of itself isn't an issue, just something I noticed especially where some comparative changes seem needless such as the previously stated ones.

The TL;DR for all of this is simple, the game is good if you don't have a pen and paper, and the titles/achievement system is a good thing, but unless balancing changes are made and that same title/achievement system is reworked, it will remain secondary to the CYOA. That being said, maybe work on the DLC instead and I'll forgive all of this!

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A small note. From now on, all messages mentioning “punishing a player for choices” will be deleted. It’s not me who created these characters and their attitude towards the player. Any complaints regarding this should be addressed to the author of this CYOA (BeTheGirlAnon). I took on the task of adapting their CYOA into an interactive game, adding some of my own choices and mechanics (titles and achievements). I liked their game for the number of choices the player could make. Do not like it? Nobody forces you to play this. This might not have happened had I created this CYOA from scratch, but I just adapted the existing one.


This game activley punishes you for trying to be anything other than a tradwife or a sugary prude. Being a girl cant mean being a tomboy, lesbian, or really self-sufficient in any way. Be the girl means "be the personality- free stereotype."

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i played it, i hated it, why it has to limitate you so you can advance? the mods always gived new options but never forced you to take something specific, limiting you behind only 3 options just bacause you dont get the archetype that they want is dump, this is mod is not a good one specialy because the original ending points was about how much you were willing to change so you could basicaly stay very close to your original self if you wanted


I don't understand the mechanics in this. I can only seem to get the sick girl thing and the pop star thing and that is about it



Even though I just had a few quick playthroughs I thought this was a really fun game and a good idea. I wish that there was something to play after all the current content. Please make something similar ;~;


How do you get the True MILF title?? I have been trying for at least half an hour, but can't figure it out.


For the life of me I can't get this one either. No matter what combinations I try to mix.


I don't see anything to launch the game


It’s HTML-game, launch file index.html.

Ohh, I was confused

Just in case, you need to extract the game from its archive. Otherwise, you may not see images.

how do you extract it from the archive, 'cause all I'm getting is a blank white screen

(1 edit)

Right-click and select "Extract All..." on the downloaded zip file.
May be different depending on Windows 10 or 11.l

Deleted 1 day ago


because it changes the original idea of the cyoa, i posted a comment about it look at it


I wonder if you can make it a full game other than just the character customization part.


I definitely can not make a game based on this one. I have an idea to create a similar game, but for now, I am making another game in a completely different genre (too perverted for most people). That other game is currently privately available on this site, but it will become public when I finish reworking it and creating content for the first few days of play (it’s kind of a sandbox game with side events and some general quest lines).


how do you get this game to run?


after 7 months game is still a banger

Game does not run on chrome mobile (yes i have javascript enabled)

its not running :/


Anyone know how to get the titles?

When your phone's HTML viewer doesn't have Javascript lol

amazinng game, can't wait to see you delve into your future projects!


This would be a nice character creator for a game but unfortunately I was a little disappointed that there wasn't a story or game after all of your choices


Will you add a story to it since that would be cool


I plan to make a game with a story, but its theme will be different. This game is already over.

What will it be about?

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I wrote a bit about this game on my blog (the third idea). The plot of this game will be that the player chooses various objects, human traits and other things that can be fetishes. It will be a CYOA format to some extent. Transformation can be in this game, but it will not become the main part of the game.

I started working on this game, but before that I decided to make another game to learn how to make games on Twine. To do this, I turn one interactive story on an adult theme into a game. It is based on a very specific genre, the fans of which, I am sure, will be few. If anyone knows about the aryion site, you’ll know what I’m talking about. If not, I do not recommend even searching.



Umm i want to play this on Android but the download is a .zip file how am I supposed to play the game??


The titles are really useless if you ask me. Why are multiple completely unenjoyable options shoehorned in so you won't naturally achieve them and then get punished for it? The titles make it inferior to the original.

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Hey there, just wanted to find something out, did you get the "True MILF" title? If yes, how did you get it? Thank you beforehand, if you respond.

друже, как насчёт добавить русский язык в игру, чтобы люди из СНГ стран могли понимать её без проблем? 

Нет достаточного спроса для этого. Я делал опрос, и за добавление русского проголосовало около десятка или меньше людей. Не стоит это того, чтобы тратить на него кучу своего времени. Время на перевод, и время на добавление этого. Здесь есть одна фишка. Чтобы добавить другой язык, нужно или заменить весь текст какого-то языка из уже имеющихся здесь, или добавлять кучу страниц-дубликатов всех выборов и титулов для нового языка. Второй вариант может отнять если не половину, то треть времени, что я потратил на создание этой игры. А это было где-то 4 месяца. Если у кого-то другого есть желание перевести это, буду не против этого, и тогда перевод добавлю за первым вариантом вместо английского (тогда на сайте этом будет лежать пара версий игры).

This is fun a few times through but I'm disappointed that it just ends and no story is made with the choices you make, that would be the perfect conclusion for this. 

The very limited combination options for titles are also really few so unless you know exactly what you need and what to exclude you won't get any titles. Also having a restart option and persistent achievements would be a nice addition, so then players don't have to refresh the page each run and can keep track of what you've already earned. Maybe bonuses tied to the achievements too for more points or something but that's just extra ideas.

Overall I liked it and hope to either see an update that adds more or, going by an earlier post, that a new game comes out with a story and more options :D


I like this idea and hope it gets added

Should add a cheat option for people (me.) to be lazy with the customization. 

the original has it


Dude like you totally gotta add a story to this big homie, that'd shit would be dope dawg. - darkwizard27 


Doesn't work on some androids it just shows a white screen. i found a fix. Download an app called Html Reader. the logo has HTML then a </> right under it. Hope this helps anyone trying to play this on Android.


This concept, is absolutely amazing! I'm not a great coder- nor a good plot artist, but I can just tell, if more content is actually added, for example a real story, it would be a great masterpiece, because the concepts of creating your own character via traits and likes, and the usage of "titles" to enhance the experience is amazing! I myself, am learning how to make a textbased game, and perhaps in some coming future, i might like to apply the customization of this game into mine! The genre of creating this kind of game is, well might be common, but for me it is a genuine diamond in the rough.

If you ever decide to continue along the route of adding a story to this game, I would very much oblige in helping, as I am a writer of stories! Albeit not an expert, but one nonetheless.

Eitherway, complete or not, this game is amazing! Keep going on Voytsik!

Thank you very much for this review! I doubt I’ll be able to add a story to this game, but I want to make another game with this type of choices. I wrote in this game devlog my three ideas for next games. I am working on the third one.

Currently, I have collected more than 900 different fetishes in the following categories: Relationships, Body, Career, Activity, Item, Personality, Place, Clothes, Health, Role, Erotic and Sex. This list continues to grow. In this game, the player will be able to discover and choose different fetishes, view art with these fetishes and possibly apply them to other characters in some way.

But at this point, I have issues with the other characters (there are only 4 characters that are rather plain) and the plot of the story in general. I want to make this game enjoyable, but I haven’t found a good idea to tie it all together. I would be grateful if you could post any ideas here or in my discord (link is on my page).

Much obliged! I would be very much glad to help you in terms of systems to add into the game, or suggest them atleast. Currently I am busy with things happening in life, well it kinda just eats up my time to do, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Eitherway, i'll totally add you as a friend on Disc! (Though, my discord tag is very different from my Itch username, but who cares.)

(is my tag : Sonar the Dapper Sharktogen!#2023)  

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ver cool, suprising this game is so entertaining


I'm not certain what audience this is targeting, but it's well made and probably enjoyable for that audience. I'm  probably not the demographic, since I'm already a girl. There are too many choices for me, and the Spirit of Change is constantly degrading me with her passive aggressive tone. I didn't enjoy this. Still, it seem many like it, so keep going. It's a good game for those who like it.

I can't seem to get past the first section. I've gotten my first title, but I don't see any options for mind or anything else beyond the initial body choices.

You should make that title selected (green colored) to see the next section. If that’s not happen tell me your title. I checked the game code on my end and couldn’t see any problems in this place.


I did not realize the title needed to be clicked, 100% user error on my part. Sorry for the confusion!


Well, I released a new version of the game. I tried to make it run directly on this site, but I didn’t like the result. I couldn’t scroll down and zoom in on the game screen. Also, the game could not be downloaded and the game photos became hidden. So I apologize to all the people who keep seeing a white screen when starting the game, but I can’t seem to solve your problem.

For some reason I can't trigger the traditional Maid Title. I've followed the txt but it's not appearing?

This title has 8 choices to choose written in the text file, and 8 choices not to choose. You might have selected something from the second group. Try only choices from the first group. I did that now and it worked without problems. There may be some bugs, but not in this case.

Nice game! Would be nice if my tittles can actually change in the next update. I've been getting probably the worst tittle every time I tried to customize.

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i tried everything but i cant get any titles at all


There are too many choices to open titles so easy. In the third section, you have more chances to get a title, unlike in the first two. Wait for the next update where I create a walkthrough for titles and other things or use a txt file in the game folder. That update is in the process of developing now. I can’t say when it’ll be done, it needs at least 1-2 weeks or even more, but not a month.

How do you get mobile working? Nothing is loading. I have the latest phone.

I wrote some messages about this problem below. It works for Android phones with the help of internet browsers like Chrome or Opera. But before it, you should extract the game from its .zip archive using a program like RAR or other file managers. I don’t have a chance to try launching the game on iPhone or other operating systems, so I can’t say if it works there or not.

I just followed your instructions and I got a white screen. And I'm on Samsung.

Ok. I’ll try to make the game playable on this site, when I finish next update. I think it should fix that problem with white screen. Wait a little more please.

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